Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Yo-Yo Quilts are now completed!

Woo Hoo!! I finally did it! I just finished my final Yo-Yo Quilt this afternoon! Yippee!! Now Christmas is complete for two people. That is a huge amount of work off of me for the moment.

I still have a ton of work to do, like getting my craft room finished up, making a baby blanket for the new baby (Hurry up Sept. 11 so I can hold my new grandson!!), and a quilt for my granddaughter. Yes, she has informed me that she has to have a quilt for her bed made by me. Go figure!! LOL

At least now my quilting won't take over the living room now because I am done with the hand sewing. Well, at least for the time being anyways. I plan on using the sewing machine for the rest of the quilts that need to be done.

Now, do I do the denim quilt or do I make Crazy Quilt? Hmmm...I have the needles and the thread for the denim, but I still need room to cut the jeans up. I also have a two totes full of scrap fabric that would be perfect for the Crazy Quilt. Hmmm...decisions, decisions, decisions!!!

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