Sunday, November 02, 2008


Whew. I am finally moved into a house. My husband and I bought his parent's house and closed on it September 30th. It took us close to a month just to move next door. Literally next door!

We now have a large living room, large dining room, big bathroom, two bedrooms (my granddaughter just loves "her" bedroom that she shares with her little brother and even enjoys cleaning it up!), a fairly small kitchen and a small back room which will be nothing but craft stuff for me! (We won't count the fact that the deep freezer is in that room.) Maybe once I finally get everything unpacked I can get back to crafting and scrapbooking. I am slowly decorating the house while unpacking a box here and there.

It is hard to deal with all this clutter from the boxes and totes, but it could have been worse. We donated a truck load of stuff to the Salvation Army because we just didn't have the time to mess with having a yard sale. As I unpack our things, I plan on getting rid of even more stuff, but this time we will have a yard sale. I need to get things unpacked and put away before Christmas so I can decorate the house. And yes, I will be getting rid of some of our Christmas decorations that we don't use or don't like any more.

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